I had a productive couple of weeks. Not only did my daughter graduate from highschool, but I found a few hours in between the merriment to build my tool cart shell. Just a reminder, this is the end goal.
I have been strugging with a good way to make a cut list. I have a tool that works ok, but not great. I have tried manually moving parts around in Fusion, but find that extremely tedious (maybe I'm missing a trick), finally I tried going old-school and just printing out scale parts and laying them out on scale representations of my sheets. This worked so much smoother than anything else. It makes me feel like I'm missing something on the computer side, it should be much faster and simpler to lay out parts.

I tried to put a lot more care into my cuts and biscuit jointer joints and it seems to have paid off. The big fix seems to be focusing on eliminating any rocking of both the track saw and the joiner on the workpiece. I was able to get everything together with less than 1mm of error.

This was far too big to assemble on my workbench, so I put it together on the floor. I did a rough fit, then using a hammer and some care I made sure it was all squared up properly.

From there I put in the pilot holes and screwed it all together. I had to use straps to hold it together while I flipped it around to get access to all the holes. This is right on the edge of what I can even maneuver on my own without assistance. Trying to dead lift one side without any sort of hand hold was quite a challenge. It is almost 2 full sheets of 3/4" MDF, that works out to almost 200 pounds, although I would guess this is closer to 140 pounds.

Finally I sanded everything down, patched up the screw holes, installed casters and managed to get it all painted up. I think it turned out well.
Up next is installing the drawer slides and then the more difficult challenge of making the drawers. I went out today and got the rest of the wood I need to make the drawers. Hopefully next weekend I will have some time to start in on that job.
Edit, I roughly placed everything where it goes, it will take a bit of reorganization but it all seems to fit fairly well. The cabinet is a bit tall for the band-saw, but not so tall it is dangerous or unusable. I like tall workbenches anyway, and I decided to maximize storage capacity over usability since I don't use these tools every day.

I still have some room on the top of the cart to fit a belt sander or some other tool. And I may switch the miter saw and vice around. I always wanted my vice on the right hand side, but have only ever had it on the left because of space constraints.
Edit2, I took the time to put it all together so I could verify it all fits in the space. I'm really pleased so far. It is a bit tall, I'm not positive I should not have knocked 2 inches off the height, but overall it uses the space very well. I can't wait to get the drawers in place and all my junk put away properly. I need to find a right angle addaptor for the hose reel, and verify it can actually fit in the space with the compressor (including inside the drawer sides). But otherwise I think I'm ready to start cutting next week.
I'm also really unhappy with my pegboard. Outside of a couple of tools I really don't find it useful. Hopefully I will have enough space to at least put some of these tools into drawers so they can stay dust free. It is something to think about, how I could use the space better and still manage to open the side door at least most of the way.

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