
Creating the Hackaday logo

A project log for 1K Challange Laser

Draw the hackaday logo with a laser with less than 1K of data.

cyrille-gindreauCyrille Gindreau 12/09/2016 at 20:480 Comments

Our goal for this project is to display the hackaday logo by shining a laser at some mirrors and moving the mirrors in such way that it would draw the logo. We are under the 1K limit, we have a function that will take an array of coordinates and display the laser, we have ways of turning on/off the laser during certain times, now its time to see if we can draw the whole logo.

The first thing we did was plot out where we would want our coordinates to be. Using photoshop and a sketch pad, we created our array.

*The 1's in circles dictated which point the shape would start at and in which direction the laser would go.

We plug in the number for our array and:

Okay! Not bad, we've got a little work to do but we're getting close. Unfortunately though, we're back over our 1K limit at around 1150 bytes. So a little more optimization, add the 'turn off laser' array, and flip it right side up, should be a breeze right?


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