
The Sound System

A project log for XiAleste

XiAleste Next is an 8-bit home computer, which is compatible with software for the Amstrad CPC6128 released on 13 June 1985

h2wh2w 12/11/2022 at 14:480 Comments

The sound system has got its final look. Below I will give only a picture of a fragment of the board with it. And let me tell you that the polyphony is 6 channels, but paraphonically you can get much more channels.

As it was already said in the description of the project, the sound system is the cornerstone of the project. This is the spirit of the Aleste 520EX, so about 30-40% of the PCB area was spent on its implementation.

N.B. A more detailed description of the architecture of the sound system will be given later -- I think after the new year.
