
1st run

A project log for $1 entry to 1kB challenge

Let's use 1-dollar 8-pin PIC12C508A that has 512 words of program ROM (that is 768 bytes) and 25 bytes of data RAM...

shaosSHAOS 01/06/2017 at 04:360 Comments

I connected 1.5 kOhm resistor to GP0, 680 Ohm to GP1, 330 Ohm to GP2 and 1K to GP4 (sync) - all of them connected together create analog VIDEO. Program for PIC12C508A is PIC12-T1.ASM (429 words or 643.5 bytes). Result:

Trying to see what is going on - probably just resistor values have to be corrected...

UPDATE: After pulling-up GP4 with 2K resistor it's a little bit more stable:

Test setup:
