Phase one of the larger project the mini µmixctrlr

is taking shape. by lack of a project box at hand.. roll your own box. keep it simple was a given to use discarded tech is a must in this age of resource shortages. to the chagrin of the maker community and even large companies that have been experiencing this low supply of resources for years.
thus, i got to it. a quick working proto type is almost finished, just the 5 potholes need to be drilled and the two mouse button knobs extended to the top of the board by extending the buttons with some piece of plastic tube to switch them. a nice overlay with markings in a dxf file to cover the top.

the faders and extra control pots are multiplexed spi or i2c and connect to the mouse usb sensor and hid device next week.
the mini is all part of the touch screen bigger one i designed in freecad. double fader blocks easily integrated by adding an extra connection board in between them.
thus making the two fader blocks extendable to how many you could need for your own midi ctrl mixerboard. this version fits nicely on any ones home studio desk.
the design of the sides is such that a one cm block extends inward with a some sort of plastic ribbon strong enough to withstand a day in the gig bag and keep moisture out. the blocks inside hold the pcb down in place and support the entire construction. thus saving on materials like fasteners etc. rollin on a budget should spark invention and smarter design. this project is meant to be easily build by other #diymusicians and #opensourcehardware is at the core of my ideas and plans going forward. all will be put in github with docs and code. demo of the daw controller will go onto the aliendnatronics youtube channel.
but for now.... a happy holiday weekend all.