
Marshall Surround System

Repurposing broken Bluetooth speakers to make a rock’n’roll-themed movie experience

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A couple of years ago my Marshall Stanmore Bluetooth speaker decided it has worked enough and its electronics gave up. I tried my best electronics-fu but without the correct schematic it was taking too much time to make something out of it. Since the sound was good and it has the killer looks, my next idea was to use it as a replacement to my passive speakers in my home theater. I just had to find another broke one to at least make it a 2.0 upgrade, hopefully someday upgrading all 5.1 channels. At the time I was completely uninitiated in the art of speaker making and it’s nuances so I thought it would be easy. Little did I know how deep the rabbit hole I was getting into was…
  • 2 × Marshall Stanmore Speaker Bluetooth speaker with broken electronics but working drivers and good exterior
  • 1 × Marshall Acton Bluetooth speaker with broken electronics but working drivers and good exterior
  • 1 × Speaker impedance measurement cablr Cable to measure the input impedance response using a computer sound card and REW
  • 1 × Sound card loopback cable Cable to calibrate the computer sound card
  • 1 × Dayton Audio iMM-6 calibrated microphone Device to measure the speaker sound pressure levels

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