
Coding ............ 0.21.0

A project log for oiyshTerminal

Local server collection of IoT system with some additional futures. Works by default offline, based on .deb .npm .pipy

yoyoek1yOyOeK1 01/04/2023 at 11:250 Comments

Coding coding and I don't see horizon. Tools were reorganize one more time. This time it's using prototypes. I created a vector of drivers prototypes. All drivers now inherit driver prototype and that way I don't need to know if action is done in file system, grafana data source, or Node-red module NICE!

 Currently working on sections: pre post install remove in new way of doing it. It can already detect dependencies to other drivers. Dashboards from grafana need there data source right?

Lot of experimenting and lot of problems pop up. But forvard :)

