
yss out from its egg vs three.js Wow.

A project log for oiyshTerminal

Local server collection of IoT system with some additional futures. Works by default offline, based on .deb .npm .pipy

yoyoek1yOyOeK1 01/09/2023 at 20:270 Comments

Getting more experience with using it. three.js is a best ! yss is out from a monstrosity oiyshTerminal and now running on Node-red instead grafana hosting. Using some data injections Node-red now have control over plugins / pages :) It's power info!

Bummm! Now it's array, next it will be mysql query.... :)

3d Compass 1 - is a first instrument attempt. Manipulation from mqtt messages comping from websocket to have no problems with older browsers. I added some rendering manager to limit frame rate. I'm aiming to long battery life not smooth animations. But getting there. 

If you want to try it today ?

You need to have access to running Node-red instance. File system where it is running. Instruction you can find:
