This monster in growing in back of my head. I'm procrastinating on all sites. Building testing. Fixing and destroying parts of it. Doing it possible for every one. The hole image of it is like clouds with details showing that it's something going on in nodejs. That one on right need bash with jq to read log from file. So otdmWcspWebSocket was born. Now web site have access to bash! video of one of the first contacts.
update your system from web page :P with prompt from system one button.
Do something on shell level from a page by one line is nice. otdm-yss-multiSVG is a faaaaaast way to do HMI as fast you can draw in inkscape and name the objects :P video about it. Buttons to send value after press. No problem from inkscape.
Beam to repository of multiSVG
Image is big like sky. I don't want to have limits :) Selecting one spot details wear showing up. String from one cloud of things are fallowing to a other cloud of stuff. OTDM OTDM OTDM
Day of otdm-cmqtt2mysql came. Pomp up to use some good diff and patch action was in front of me. The plan was to add script to build patch file to patch main.c. I don't not it that now why i don't read file but. It is compiling with settings in it. I'm giving source... so tralala coding :P
I want to do apt install otdm-cmqtt2mysql and have it running. It's one of first parts what I wrote o start of oiyshTerminal project. Fast, dithing able, connection mqtt to mysql. All that are puzzle. In correct arrangement mature apps are building Localized Of Things / HMI.
Bam. it's doing it. now uninstall. ....... .49 DONE :) From Ubuntu vanilla to a hero ! mosquitto, mysql, db inits, otdm-tools installed, systemd updated reporting running service.
Image is bigger
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