
Coloured ePaper Weather Display

A multicoloured ePaper display powered by Rasperry Pi, Python, Flask, Chromium and a reverse engineered Australian government API

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This is a fairly simple project that uses a 4 inch multicoloured ePaper display board from Pimoroni, a raspberry pi, and is programmed in Python with HTML and CSS to lay-out the display.


The hardware is very simple so far, a Raspberry Pi and a Pimoroni Inky Impression 4" hat. There is also a wooden + 3D printed frame in the works.


The software is relatively over-complicated. It is a python script that fetches weather data from a private BOM (Australian Bureau Of Meteorology) API, renders it on a web page using Flask/Jinja, and serves it to be loaded by a headless Chromium process which renders it to an image which is written to the display.

The software can be found on GitHub. I think the method I am using to render the display using Jinja + HTML + CSS really isn't bad. It enables you to employ fancier graphics and preview the display in a web browser, and I think could be used for other similar projects as well.

  • 1 × Pimoroni Inky Inpression 4"
  • 1 × Raspberry Pi (Any of the newer ones)
  • 1 × Photo frame (custom?)

  • Software finished 100%, waiting on getting a new RPi

    Tobias01/04/2023 at 08:56 0 comments

    As the title suggests, the software is complete, and I have had it running flawlessly for a week now.

    The next step in this project is to make a frame and mount the thing somewhere, but I am putting that off. This is because the display is currently mounted to a full-sized Raspberry Pi 3 B+, which works great but is too thicc for a display frame. Rather, I would like to use either a Pi 3 A+ or a Pi Zero 2W, the latter of which is cheaper but currently very out of stock. I am not sure if I will wait for the Zeros to be available or just get the older 3 A+...

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Waldo Wolmarans wrote 01/13/2023 at 22:59 point

Cool. I like by putting the screen outside, you show the goodness of e-ink displays. My favorite display is currently the 4.1 inch you used, but your project will also work well on the bigger 7.3 inch color e-ink display

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Tobias wrote 01/14/2023 at 01:42 point

Thanks. Yeah, Waveshare sells the larger panels don't they? I got the small one to save money for a proof-of-concept, but I could always get more since e-ink displays are super useful!

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Waldo Wolmarans wrote 01/14/2023 at 06:53 point

Yes, I got a 7.3 inch from Waveshare. Depending on what you display the 4.1 inch looks better because of the higher dpi. 

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yOyOeK1 wrote 01/04/2023 at 18:24 point

You want to collaborate? My otdm could help a lot with setting this thing up if you have full Rpi on it :)

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Tobias wrote 01/05/2023 at 02:41 point

Sorry... What could you help me with? I don't understand.

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yOyOeK1 wrote 01/05/2023 at 11:39 point

Only if you want :) My project oiyshTerminal. Is I think for projects like yours. Easy to set up. And limit less possibilities :) You have Rpi so it's easy but part of my project called otdm can me by help? Plugin like futures. Orientated around .deb files. But no pressure. I really like your project ! E-inks are the think :)

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