
STM32 based extented Kalman filter

A project log for Fin Controlled Active Rocket Stabilization System

Vertical flight using Canard Fin based Controls And With IMU data from the AHRS system

electronxElectronx 01/11/2023 at 20:382 Comments

I was able to develop an extended kalman filter based imu firmware on stm32.More on the way.


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Loganmadon12 wrote 02/09/2024 at 10:29 point

anyway i could see the code

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Gravis wrote 01/17/2023 at 13:38 point

tips from experience:

* Be sure that your sensors are sending data fast enough so that you avoid oversampling your data which will completely negate your kalman filter.

* Be sure that you aren't exceeding the range of what your sensors can measure.

* Record your flight data for post flight analysis. This is the most import part!

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