
The origins

A project log for 2023 DesignLab Builds - LingoLearn Project

An educational device that can help children of minority-language speaking parents learn any language in a fun way.

giovanniGiovanni 04/21/2023 at 01:430 Comments

The main user of this device are children, approximately 2 to 6 year old. Toddlers who are 2 and 3 may need the help of an adult to make the most of it. So we really wanted the device to be friendly and intuitive.  I always said to anyone involved in this project that there are three levels of difficulty for three types of users here: easy, intermediate, and pain. 

When my daughter was 2 or 3, she got a Leap Frog book as a present. She really loved it! And I was equally marveled at their page-turning system that allowed you to tap on the page you were in and get the right words. While the system is great, it is not easily interchangeable, so I wanted to transform the concept entirely into into something affordable yet fully customizable.

The main directives for this project are:
