
Sketches and first concepts

A project log for 2023 DesignLab Builds - LingoLearn Project

An educational device that can help children of minority-language speaking parents learn any language in a fun way.

giovanniGiovanni 04/21/2023 at 01:510 Comments

So two things happened concurrently. While we did some AI concept generation, I started working on the actual concept. 

Early sketches focused on entirely on function. The one below shows the basic functions: Swappable cards, possibly detected by the unit via notches, speakers on each side, and selection of language and phrases. These were the primitive ways to communicate what I had in mind for it.

One of the first and more obvious challenges is how to let the system know what page you are on. Embedding something on the paper is cool and fancy and easy, but I steered clear from it. This made our life more complicated, but if we succeed, the pages should be as easy to replicate as printing a simple sheet of paper with a common printer. 

During this stage I had the opportunity to talk to the great David Cuartielles and brainstorm how to sense the pages. Always cool ideas! 

The second concept was more of a space-age toy. I wanted to start exploring the tridimensional interaction, but still at a very primitive stage with almost no constrains. I just went for what seemed friendly. 

This one generated more passional responses. People either loved or hated it. 

What do you think? 
