
Project log 4 (17.02.2023) - More Fancy Stuff

A project log for MaslOS

A custom os made from almost scratch.

marcelMarcel 02/17/2023 at 19:360 Comments

A lot of stuff happened including school, holidays, and sickness.

Buuut I added some cool stuff to the OS.

Firstly I added a very basic way to load in external compiled ASM/C/C++ apps into MaslOS. For now it needs statically linked object files.

For loading object files I followed a great cloudflare article from here.

As a demo, I yoinked a raycaster from here and modified it to work.

The raytracer crashes on real hardware for some reason but it does technically also work on real hardware due to the advanced amazing crash handling I added.

Basically by doing some black magic, if my OS crashes with a GPF (General Protection Fault) which it often can't recover from, it will enter a special Render Loop where it still runs but limited. In there you should still be able to use your mouse and keyboard. Though for now the timer is broken. 

So the OS should have a kernel panic less often and if it does crash and recover you should be able to see the actual reason.

Also added a way to benchmark stuff: (Not really too useful rn I think but I'll see)

Also added ACPI Shutdown from here (though it doesn't work on real hardware yet)

Stuff I'm currently working on / planning to do: (mostly the same)

Adding a Loading Bar when booting and making a verbose boot which actually shows stuff in detail and slowly.

Making a thing that converts the benchmark data into an image which i can screenshot and then convert back on my normal pc to analyze stuff more closely. Especially when it crashes and even kernel panics!

Stuff which is far away on my Todo:

Fix ACPI Boot

Fix AHCI Driver

Making GUI Apps in the os.

Either directly or using MAAL or the external apps.

Some Examples:

 - Notepad

 - Paint

 - A GUI Taskmanager

 - Etc.
