
GUI Ahoi!

A project log for Pi Pico Power Meter

For my electronic developments I need more than one multimeter to get the power. Here it is!

per-simon-saalPer-Simon Saal 01/31/2023 at 20:510 Comments

It was time for a nice GUI.

Well a really nice GUI on 2cm² is hard to realize but at least I could make everything good readable.

Due to the lack of different fonts and sizes in the default micropython library I searched for something easy to implement.

And I found it! Peter Hinch has written a really nice library in micropython hat is based on the official drivers for the frame buffer and the SSD1306 OLED display I use. 

With some modifications in the code it just runs perfectly on my Pi Pico!

So, if you need a good GUI library that offers some fonts in different sizes, nice widgeds and is portable to many microcontrollers check his repo!

Now, here are some pictures of my 'pages'. With a push button it is possible to move from one 'page' to another.
