
1970ies Pinball like it's 2023

I have a rather beaten up pinball from the 70ies.

Let's make it ready for the doomed century...

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So I have this old pinball machine, it was my final thesis in school more than 20 years ago to repair it.

It kinda worked for some years... But time and stuff.

Then I dismantled the playfield to retrofit it with Arduinos or the like. But the project overwhelmed me, but didn't fit on my shelf of never finished projects, so it stands in the way for a bunch of years.

Small detail: this project needs 230V AC.

Which can kill you in different ways. 

Please just work with those voltages only if you're allowed to do so. I am because I'm had formal training.

Also old pinball machines may have potentially deadly voltages pretty exposed sometimes, like solder connetions on the main switch, keep that in mind while working on one.

And always use an earth leakage circuit breaker when thinkering. It can literally save your life.

  • 1 × Beaten up pinball machine

  • Day 2, flipper...

    Tillo02/11/2023 at 18:53 0 comments

    Somebody recently left a lot of old electronics at our hackerspaces, most would call it trash. And there were 2 completely fine beefy toroidal transformer. 230V to two times 12V. 

    So the 24V AC for the flipper coils issue was solved for free, which is pretty cool.

  • Day 1: Power supply

    Tillo02/05/2023 at 16:26 0 comments

    I wanted to check the flippers today, but unfortunately the transformer died as I found out. 

    But I learned (again probably) that they run on 24V AC.

    All the other coils run on 24V DC.

    Then there ar parts which run on 110V AC.

    And lamps and the whole logic runs on 6V AC.

    And since I don't live in square inch per freedom eagle country I have 230V AC.

    Oh, boy.

    Since 110V is mainly used for the score motor (great piece of technology, but unfortunately I don't think I'm ready to rebuild the whole thing from scratch) so I can leave that aside for the moment.

    Since I will replace the lamps with LEDs anyway the whole 6V DC isn't needed too.

    So for now I need.

    * Something between 20 and 24 V DC for the coils.

    * 5V DC for the IO

    * The weird 24V AC for the flippers. Unless someone can point me to other coils.

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