
Board Design Milestone MK2 and some software hacking

A project log for Radio Feather X

All in One STM32 feather board with Radio capabilities (NRF24 and LORA)

flavioFlavio 02/28/2023 at 10:560 Comments

The  MK2 version of the board is complete, so it will be going to PCB prototyping soon. The latest changes include replacement of a couple chips that were hard to find, and also the use of the a slightly better MCU. The initial plan was to use have an STM32F302 but I ended up switching to the STM32F303, which has much more peripherals (OpAmps, extra SPI and I2S among others) in the same package and is also obtainable!

I have also been looking into the software required to have this board working in any Arduino like development environment (Arduino IDE and Platform IO) and realized that I will need submit a some changes to the STM32Duino repo on GitHub to get support for this board. Now that I have the final PCB design I can freeze the pin out mapping and get that going. Hopefully I can get through someone on that project.

Besides that the RadioHead library has only the option to use SPI1 for STM32 boards/MCUs, but my design is using the SPI2 for the RF modules so I am looking into submit some improvements to that library as well. Again depending on get in touch with the people on that project. That is still work in progress.

Until both this changes are working I can't easily test the RF interfaces on my MK1 version boards. But I have already  the repos forked on my Github as well as the project set up on PlatformIO. As soon as I get those changes working I will post an update here, even though I think get those changes on the upstream repos might take some more convincing.

I am also thinking about recording some videos to upload to YT about some aspects of this project that could use  more visual assistance to explain. That is on the back burner in the meantime.

That is all folks!


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