
Happy amplifier

Are you happy? I am very happy to make this amplifier, with very high-quality class-D sound and Arduino joy!

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I've made several digital things related to Arduino and audio circuits. Here I would combine them to make a "happy" amplifier! The on-board MCU is Atmega328P with Arduino compatibility and class-D amplifier is same as Nutube Pre/Main amplifier TPA3110. Actually I can guarantee its sound quality. Very nice sound coming from this tiny board with very funny analog audio meter.
Firmware can be easily programmed through Arduino IDE !

This is the total schematic. I've experienced wonderful sound quality of TPA3110, class-D amplifier at Nutube amplifier and it is transferred to happy amp. The performance of TPA3110 is max 15W x 2 and I can guarantee its sound quality!

The input line signal is sampled to A0 and A1 of Atmega328p, which is programmed Arduino Pro bootloader. As we know, A/D does not accept negative voltage and sampled audio signal is biased to half of VCC and applied to A/D input. OLED is connected through I2C bus as same as my all previous making.

Newly Oscilloscope mode is added. We can see realtime waveform in the tiny OLED display!

The board size is very small, just 84 mm x 39 mm. Actual operation can be found in the following movie...

I have a naive plan to sell this amp kit at around $50. Please stay tune if some interest?

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Joe Cool wrote 01/27/2017 at 10:24 point

What OLED model is used?

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