Even though this ancient S-100 prototyping board has seen better days, as can be seen by the missing pads on some of the address and data lines, it can still be put to good use. Here I am grabbing the 2 MHz system clock on pin 49 and sending it to a 74LS74 which is being used as a divide by four.

And thus we can obtain, by very simple means, a nice, clean, stable 500 kHz derived clock signal which can be passed on to one of the 6850 UARTs(Hopefully), so that when that particular UART is run in 16x mode, it will be able to send and receive signals at the MIDI data rate of 31250 bps. At which point I should hopefully have no problem getting the Altair to stream MIDI data in, and thereupon use it to make the front panel LEDs blink in interesting ways; like with MIDI data in real-time.

Of course, this might be fun to build ... eventually.

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