Right, so there are 4 prototypes in the wild! The first one will stay at Crowd Supply for pictures etc, so actually not so much for testing, but more as a reference and display. The second one just arrived today at my most loyal supporter Chad. Hope you enjoy putting your kit together! Of course, I am very curious to get some feedback from you :) The third PolyKybd is currently in Germany. I handed it over to 0x17, who organized CCH Con this year in Reutlingen. Hopefully, he can pass it on to some other testers soon. All these boards are hardware revision 2.2.
The last one is a ...ahm... a "Frankenboard" with one side having revision 2.2 and the other side is a revision 3.1 board. It stays with my good old friend cbirklbauer as my most and highly trusted software engineer of choice.
I hope your comments and observations will improve the software quality which is still a bit rough, but we will get there :)
So what is different with revision 3.1? Not that much! I exchanged the RGB LEDs as the WS2812B-Mini-V3 a lot of times had manufacturing issues. With the new XL-3030RGBC-WS2812B, I haven't had any issues and they appear to be a bit brighter. Another component, I exchanged, is the socket for the 14pin ribbon cable of the displays as the original part has a production delay of about half a year.
The only real functional change is a fix for the USB-Sense. With that, the keyboard can tell, which side is connected to the host (and then handle the logic and communication). In revision 2.2 the software does that by detecting a USB connection. That works in most cases, but maybe not for some older BIOSes or in case you power up the keyboard via an active USB-Hub without a PC connected to it. This should be fixed in 3.1 as I can assume that the side with the power, will be the host side.
Just a few days ago, I assembled the first two PolyKybds with both sides on revision 3.1:
A low-profile version with Tecsee Medium switches.
And here is an experiment where only R1 has low-profile switches. Let's see how comfy that is...
Other than that, I had to do some number-crunching to make sure, that the Crowd Supply campaign will be financially sound. There is nothing I can show you, but these tasks also have to be addressed.
The only productive side-task I had, was the construction of the legs:
Looks like a fit:
If these legs are not enough, I encourage you to come up with a custom tenting solution.
For that, there are a couple of holes on the back and some pre-perforated holes on the side, which you could drill or break out. Either glue in some threaded inserts or just a 3D-printed stand/leg of your choice!
Best, Thomas
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