
This was supposed to be the easy part.

A project log for MicroRF Remote

4 axis Remote for Arduino. 4/5 ch/servo RX.

saulSaul 04/10/2023 at 09:060 Comments

The new pcb was easy to solder in about 20 minutes, expecting it to just work I added the oled code and got the analog values displaying...but the wireless signal won't connect.

of course first I just had the wrong pin set on one...but the other... idk

Even without making a connection the speed is off. the only difference being the oled which updated only 2/3 times a second.

  1. The nano remote is hitting about 15-16 hz.
  2. The micro remote is hitting 8-9 hz.

Looking closer I think it could be a simple passive component. 

I was off by 500,000x.

at least I hope this is the problem...because idk...

but to make it more strange rx board with the same caps seems to work fine with the test remote...
