Any animals store can provide this kind of insects or buy it on internet.
Do not buy "superworms" because of hormons treatment, they will not reproduce themselves.
Prepare mealworms home
Paper sorter is well fitted for this king of breeding. Just fill existing holes obviously or use tape with sliding face.
It's working well for me.
Cut one of the drawer at the bottom but not full size, leave some extra plastic, it will help sort the pupa and the beetles. Put it on top.
The next drawer is for beetles. Use some bran to make them a litter to lay eggs. Bran will provide a little food but carrots are way better for them. No need for specific water source, they take water from air and food. Do not put too much food as moisture will grow, it sticks and smells rot. Carrot peel will dry too fast, put full carrot in piece.
The followings drawers are mealworms in different stages of evolution. The last is the one that will be taken.
Sorting time
With drawers, sorting is not hard as it looks.
Pupas are extract from bottoms drawers regularly with teaspoon and kindly dropped off in the first drawer.
Dead beetles are extracted with pliers to leave litter as clean as possible.
Use stainless steel strainer and 3D printed one to sort bigger worms.
When to harvest ? hard to tell as it depends on maturity. Worms should have a nice brown color as the above picture.
Too late and the worms will turn into a chrysalis. Too early and you will not reach the full weight potential.
When harvesting is done, leave them for 24 hours without food to do fasting and clean their digestive organ.
Some will turn into chrysalis, nevermind, extract pupa and after fasting period, freeze them... R.I.P.
Interesting. I thought you might be breeding them to make high-protein feed for chickens or pets, but eating them yourself is more efficient. Most people are squeamish about eating insects but crustaceans look very alien and humans consider them gourmet food. I heard mealworms can be made into flour that can be used to add protein to bread.
Thank you for your comment. Indeed the worms are not intended for the hens at first sight but indeed for us. You are right, worm meal can be used for making bread, we are thinking about it. In the meantime, I'm experimenting with cooking types and times to get the best result. As soon as I have some, I'll update the page ;) BR
Mealworms look an efficient way of creating protein but I doubt enough humans will accept it quickly enough. Are there any more palatable routes to the human gut? I read that catfish are great protein sources and are considered party food par excellence by many Americans.
Interesting. I thought you might be breeding them to make high-protein feed for chickens or pets, but eating them yourself is more efficient. Most people are squeamish about eating insects but crustaceans look very alien and humans consider them gourmet food. I heard mealworms can be made into flour that can be used to add protein to bread.