

screen menu 3d printer extractor enclosure fan(s) regulate temperature in the enclosure. Machine Shut down ( safely ) mobile app alarm.

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Low Cost Open Source 3Print Enclosure Fan Control and Power screen menu based controller board.

ESP32 based screen menu 4 tactile buttons and 1 x OLED screen.
2 x DS18B20 Temp sensor channels for temp sense inside 3d printer enclosure.
2 channels Variable AC 110v / 240v for fan speed control
2 channels 110V / 240V AC solid state relay SSR for shutdown on timer or over temp safety shutdown.

Mobile APP alarm / notification

Arduino ESP32 code , App code & KiCad design files

eraly days yet !! will make a note here when I know its all working.

  • 1 × esp32
  • 2 × AC Light lamp dimming and motor Dimmer Module, 1 Channel, 3.3V/5V logic, AC 50/60hz, 220V/110V - 600V
  • 1 × 1" OLED I2C
  • 2 × SSR - solid state relay AC Switch for microcontrollers , 3.3V~12V logic, AC 220V/5A (peak 10A)

  • basic menu working and temp sensors

    ben biles09/07/2023 at 00:28 0 comments

  • get the bits in a case

    ben biles04/05/2023 at 04:13 0 comments

    starting to get everything in a case.

    I think I might need to use 2 x SSR to switch each leg of the 110VAC rather than just one.

    It just feels safer and could switch double the power.

    I just have to make some buttons with the 3d printer to poke through holes drilled into the case.

    I could also do with 3 AC 110V sockets on the side.

    The input AC socket is switched and fused.

    If I get all this working properly I will change the case for fireproof polycarbonate.

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