- Responsive Touch GUI with support for landscape and portrait orientations
- Turn shelf on/off, adjust brightness, painting tools, trigger animations
- Runs synchronized on embedded touchscreen and multiple Android/PC devices
- Runs in-process or standalone
- SK9822/APA102 LED paint engine supporting gamma correction and HSV-based brightness derivation
- Animation framework
- Fireplace animation 🔥
- Embedded display backlight control with MCU-generared PWM signal
- Smooth display fade-in on user interaction, fade-out on idle timeout
- CLI frontend utility `hyelichtctl` (HTTP-based), works locally and over the network
- Philips Hue smart lights integration: HTTP-based plugin for the diyHue open source bridge emulator
- systemd integration (service unit)
- Doxyen-based documentation
- REUSE- and SPDX-compliant free software written in C++17 and QML