
Speed control for IO - January 30, 2018

A project log for The Cardboard Computer - IO is my name

My goal is a 4-bit CPU using recycled cardboard substrate and Diode Transistor Logic. This is an educational platform for me.

dr-cockroachDr. Cockroach 01/31/2018 at 02:044 Comments

I have added a very basic speed control to the master clock circuit.


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Martian wrote 02/01/2018 at 06:40 point

I think this is my favourite project here, I love the sheer lunacy implied in building a cardboard computer, but there it is, a wonder to behold.  I'm always showing friends these videos too.  Great to see it continue to develop, keep up the good work!  ;)

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Dr. Cockroach wrote 02/01/2018 at 08:43 point

Thanks Martian :-) However I keep getting distracted from working on the instruction set and I need a "No Smoking" sign around all the cardboard ;-)

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Dr. Cockroach wrote 02/01/2018 at 01:02 point

yeah, I tried snapping my fingers but it is not the same :-) I could use your relay sound next time :-D

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Artem Kashkanov wrote 01/31/2018 at 19:13 point

Too silent video for me :)

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