
Jetson orin nano super dreams

A project log for Jetson tracking cam

Failed attempt at camera tracking on the jetson nano

lion-mclionheadlion mclionhead 12/18/2024 at 09:330 Comments

The $250 "Jetson orin nano super" dropped today.  This one has 8GB RAM, 102GB/s memory bandwidth, 16 TFLOPS burning 25W.

The 1st generation $100 Nano that lions could afford had 4GB RAM, 25GB/s memory bandwidth, 472 GFLOPS burning 10W.  

The "orin nano super" would probably be able to do all the pose estimation, rep counting & lion tracking with full 32 bit float & higher quality semantic segmentation algorithms.  The months of dead ends porting operators to tensorrt & C++ would be over.  Everything would run in python with no heroic optimization. It's unlikely manual C++ optimization would buy any frames per second.

The problem is 25W would significantly reduce the range.  On a quad copter, it doesn't matter.  On a highly efficient truck, the 10W were already reducing the range enough to get it bumped off the payload.  The 25W could only run for a few minutes in a long drive.
