So we've been exploring whether to complete the build with MX switches which are what the skeletyl case and PCBs actually support, or hack some chocs in there with some extension wires. For now, we're pursuing MX switches with mods to make smallest activation travel and quietest operation. I bought some akko custom switch silvers which are 3-pin linear MX compatible switches. The springs feel fine but of course the stock travel just feels comically large.
To reduce the travel we've been experimenting with [the ball bearing mod]( I bought some ball bearings in size 0.8mm and 1.2mm. I ordered some 1.5mm but they haven't arrived yet. We also snipped off a 1.8mm brass sphere from a keychain.
We did a bunch of tests.
* 1 ball bearing 0.8mm does reduce travel and the switch still works
* 1 brass keychain ball of 1.8mm does reduce travel but too much so the switch never activates
* 1 ball bearing 1.2mm does reduce travel and the switch still works
* 8 ball bearnings 0.8mm (yes we put 8 in a single switch) does work and the switch still types
* We carefully cut a piece of PLA 3D printer filament to exactly 1.5mm and dropped that in and it works
* 2 ball bearings 1.2mm makes the bottom out crunchy
We are waiting on supplies but our hypothesis is that a combination of o-rings and 1.5mm ball bearing will probably be our best result for shortest travel while still activating consistently and quietest operation.
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