
Virtual Pinball mini-cabinet

A budget virtual pinball cabinet with a 24 inch playfield screen and a 17 inch backglass screen

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Big thanks to Erland Lewin who completed the abovementioned project and developed a cool budget solution for plunger distance detection and nudging/tilting.

This is a virtual pinball cabinet made to simulate the real pinball machines. It consists of two screens, one displaying the pinball playfield and other serving as a backglass panel with art and a DMD (dot-matrix display).

The idea is to build it without losing any basic features, while spending as little money as possible. Keep in mind that lots of preowned parts were used for this build. This helps greatly with the budget.

These are the goals:
- it can play any pinball table in VP9, VPX, Future Pinball, etc.
- it has physical flipper buttons
- it supports physical nudging
- it has an analog plunger
- (bonus) magnasave buttons
- (bonus) haptics using the acoustic exciters
  • 1 × 24" 16:9 LCD screen Dell P2414Hb, preowned
  • 1 × 17" 5:4 LCD screen Samsung (unknown model), bought used for 15 EUR
  • 1 × PC custom build: AMD Ryzen 5 3600, 16GB DDR4 3200, nVidia GTX 1660 Super 6GB, 500GB NVMe SSD, preowned
  • 1 × 2.1 PC speakers Logitech X230, bought used for 15 EUR
  • 1 × Plywood panels 12mm thickness, cut by provided measurements, bought in Bauhaus for [TBA] EUR

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