
Board Design

A project log for BeagleStamp

A pocketbeagle in stamp form, for direct SMT soldering to your board

dylan-brophyDylan Brophy 04/11/2023 at 18:030 Comments

I can't believe I actually made this a 1in x 1in board.  I thought it would have to be bigger.

I've tried to make a beagle in a CM3 form factor before, so I basically copied my design from that, which I had originally based on the PocketBeagle design as a template.

The components are *very* closely packed on this board:

This is the first time I've tried to make a "stamp", hopefully it goes well!  If it does it will be much easier to put Linux into my electronics projects.

I left some pins on this board unused so that I can add functionality later if I need it, without changing the layout.  I should have my boards in about 2 weeks, so this project will be silent until then.
