
Prototype and Display Running

A project log for DC-6

A base 6 clock for the unlikely

danjovicdanjovic 12/23/2016 at 02:220 Comments

Just assembled the prototype for DC-6 clock.

It is not that easy to convert mentally from DC-6 to conventional time, as it requires multiply each digit by 2 and mod with 60. For example the time shown on the photo of the prototype is 2:4 wich can be translated to 4h80m which in turn is 5:20 in conventional time.

It's quite hard to make such conversion mentally and this is intentional. A different time standard requires a different way of thinking, that is the same reason which lead to the use of symbols instead of digits.

On the prototype I made the display run the digits fast just to get the feeling of the digits changing.

I think it's cool!
