
The construction - designing the brain of mysoltrk

A project log for mysoltrk - a solar tracker, reinvented

A different approach for a solar tracker, alternative movements, to be installed on the outside, to optimize the efficiency of solar panels

my-solar-trackerMy Solar Tracker 05/30/2023 at 15:590 Comments

We spent quite a bit of time designing the circuit that will allow the panel to move with the movement of the sun.

Let's remember the fundamental points of this project:

To fulfill this promise, we have come to realize this circuit:

As you can see, we tried to use easy to find components and a handful of passive components.

Let's see the features together:

There are some interesting points to note:

R9 Shunt resistor

We use shunt resistor to check the work of actuators.

Since our 3D printed actuators doesn't include limits switches, measuring the shunt value we can deduce this condition.

R11/R12 voltage divider

With this simple trick we can evaluate if the panel delivers enough energy to drive the actuator.

The calculation should be simple: read the value before and after running a motor.


Depending on the type/size of the solar panel, the power may not be enough to drive motors and external load at the same time, so we decided that the load should be controlled by mysoltrk.

For example, if there is not enough light, we can decide to use the panel's energy to drive actuators or to charge.

Before designing a printed circuit board, we want to try it with a breadboard in order to verify the correctness of the starting hypotheses:

Note: in this photo the shunt resistor is missing (a late order)

Now we can start to write code to test actuators and photoresistors.
