These are my soldering tools and consumables. I haven't actually had need to use (1), (2), (6) or (9) but it's nice to have them on hand.
1. Antistatic wrist strap - protect your ICs / sensor modules.
2. Solder Flux
3. Damp Sponge for wetting/wiping solder tip
4. Tin solder (preferred over lead/tin solder)
5. Game-Changer: Tinning compound - good for cleaning/wetting tip. Better than sponge, use when the soldering iron seems to stop melting the solder despite being at 360 degrees C.
6. Solder Sucker
7. Game-Changer: Solder Braid - heat this up and press to solder blobs to suck away the solder from the joint. I prefer this to the solder sucker for tiny joints.
8. Game-Changer: Coiled wire for cleaning the solder tip - another way to clean the tip. Cannot have too many ways to maintain your tools!
9. Anti-static gloves - protect your ICs / sensor modules.
10. Game-Changer: Temperature controlled soldering iron - use 360 degrees C for soldering with 100% tin solder.

These are some of my other tools:
1. Helping Hand - useful for holding wires and components when soldering - literally a third hand.
2. Game-Changer: small vice - I prefer this to the helping hand. Hold components, sensors and wires for soldering.
3. Game-Changer: Magnifying Glass with LED - a little beauty! Head mounted. I used to use jeweller's loupes but these I found too difficult to use.
4. Different lenses for the magnifying glass. From weak to strong.
5. Game-Changer: A stepped drill, starting at 4mm going up to 22mm - titanium coated. This is the game-changer that allows me to quickly drill 6mm holes for the wet penetrator (cable/bulkhead connector) and 10mm holes for the depth sensor in the GoPro enclosure without excruciating 30 minute youtube videos showing how hard it is to do with regular HSS drill bits.
6. Magnifying glass - fits onto helping hand. Only use it for quick inspection of solder joints that are close together to make sure they are not shorting.
7. 16mm spanner/wrench for tightening the pressure sensor nut.
8. 12mm spanner/wrench for tightening the wet penetrator (cable/bulk head connector) nut.
9. Wire cutters - only use for normal copper stranded wire (and heatshrink) cutting to keep them sharp.
10. Game-Changer: DCC Concepts Wire strippers, specifically designed for fine wires. Can also be used for thicker wires.

And the bigger tools:
1. Original Black & Decker Workmate - circa 1980. This is an all-steel original Workmate which was my Grandad's, parts are still available! He taught me woodworking skills using this when I was a young lad. My Grandad also introduced me to electronics and soldering at a young age with one of those 101 electronic projects boards which had coiled springs to connect each of the components. Bless him, he passed away in 1992 and I miss him incredibly to this day. I so wish he could have seen this project.
2. Digital Micrometer - for measuring things accurately.
3. Dremel (non OEM, don't need Dremel brand) bits.
4. Dremel high-speed drill - with an extended power cable. You don't need an official Dremel drill, any will do.
5. Glue gun - hot temperature version.
6. DeWalt wireless drill with variable speed on trigger and three set selectable maximum set speeds. Any old drill will do.

These are the consumables I have found useful:
1. Model Filler - I have used this to help fix USB cable exiting the small plastic box holding the electronics in the float.
2. Game-Changer - 2mm thickness Nano Tape (or Gecko Tape) used for mounting the GoPro/console enclosure to the spool holding the cable. Easily removable without residue, yet extremely strong in operation.
3. Game-Changer - 1mm thickness Nano Tape (or Gecko Tape) used for mounting sensors and other small components in both float electronics box and the gopro console/enclosure. Easily removable without residue, yet extremely strong in operation.
4. Revel Contacta Professional - fine tip allowing precise application of plastic bonding glue. Used on exit points of fine wires from small plastic box in float.
5. Rocket Cyanoacrylate Superglue Gel - used at the beginning, careful of the vapours fogging nearby plastics including the GoPro enclosure.
6. Cotton thread - used to bundle together silicone wires for ease of handling - for example, the depth sensor has four wires so it's nice to keep them tidy by using some cotton thread to tie them together.

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