
HealthyPi Fit - Vital Signs monitoring "Watch"

HealthyPi Fit is a watch-wearable version of our open-source HealthyPi vital signs monitoring system

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We convceived the idea for HealthyPi back in 2017, right here on Hackaday. io ! Since then, we've been thinking and thinking about having a wearable version of the same system. It's been a long delay, but here it is, our initial ideas for "HealthyPi Fit", our wearable HealthyPi.

Similar to our latest HealthyPi 5 board, we are basing the system around Raspberry Pi's new RP2040 MCU. It gives enough power to process things and plus you can't beat the price and availability (at least at this time. For wireless capability, we've added the tiny little BC832 module based on the nrf52832, this gives us low power capabilities. And all of this fits in a 38-mm diameter board with a 1.28" full color IPS display for good readability.

The HealthyPi Fit is capable of reading of reading:

- ECG (and Heart Rate) - Spot Check, by touching the right finger to the second electrode
- PPG (and SpO2)
- IR temperature
  • 1 × Raspberry Pi RP2040
  • 1 × Maxim/Analog MAX30001
  • 1 × Maxim/Analog MAX86141 Connectors and Accessories / Adapters

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