
Development logs-2023/4/21

A project log for Multi-FOC: Universal multi-channel FOC controller

A Universal multi-channal FOC controller for robot systems or Multi-motor collaborative control

chengdanguoChengDanguo 04/21/2023 at 12:190 Comments
Revisions: Improved readability of the text, corrected some expression errors, and added some Chinese text, so that my work can be disseminated in my hometown.
problems:Most of the images show errors on the page, and since the images come from the Internet, I don't know if this is due to copyright, I am working on this issue
Next:Since I have been working a lot lately, the frequency of page updates will be reduced, and I will open source the design materials of the supporting ESC as soon as possible, and provide a preliminary application guide, which will be the next step
