

A project log for CPC Pico ROM Emulator

A ROM emulator for the Amstrad CPC using a Raspberry Pi Pico

matt-callowMatt Callow 04/18/2023 at 10:590 Comments

Having recently picked up an old CPC464, I wanted to load some software. First step is to add some sideways ROM. I decided to make my own board as I wanted to learn more about using the Pi Pico and also the CPC.

I'd seen a couple of projects using a micro controller as a ROM emulator, so  I knew it could be done. I'd also seen some projects using the Pico on 5V, apparently with no issues.  I was also fascinated by the PIO inside the Pico. So I did a bit of research and worked out that I would just have enough pins on the Pico to do what I wanted.

Next steps, build the circuit on a proto board, and start coding...
