
about MaixPy

A project log for Portable Sound Visualization AR Device

A portable AR device that superimposes an image showing the location of a sound source on an image captured by a camera.

airpocketAIRPOCKET 05/11/2023 at 22:540 Comments

For the development environment of this device, we used MaixPy, which is a MicroPython-based platform. Before starting development, we checked the documentation page.

The basic usage is similar to MicroPython, but it includes APIs specific to the K210 chip, such as FPIOA, KPU, and FFT. KPU is a very useful API for performing operations related to edge AI, while FFT is used for performing FFT calculations. Additionally, since OpenMV can be used, it is very easy to perform image processing. We also used OpenMV for this project.

Furthermore, APIs for controlling sensor modules developed by Sipeed  are also provided.
