
Initial data analysis

A project log for Ai Honey Bee Swarm Detector / Predictor System

Local C02 sensor and weather data scraped off interwebs predict swarming

capt-flatus-oflahertyCapt. Flatus O'Flaherty ☠ 05/31/2023 at 19:140 Comments
I've chopped off a lot of the graph to the left as nothing much was happening, but more recently 1. A swarm appeared in the apiary but did not all go into the catch hive, shown encircled in red. 2. A swarm was caught inside the catch hive, circled by green.

In both cases, there seems to be evidence of scouting behaviour prior to the swarm arriving and this was confirmed by human eyeball observations. There's a couple of strong peaks for CO2 in the red circle and one strong peak in the green zone. It would be great if another swarm arrived as this would re-enforce the current patterns (or maybe not!)
