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A project log for A smart controller for a powered chair or bed

2023 Assistive Tech Winner! Automates the powered recliner or bed. Ideal for the mobility-challenged.

stephen-craverStephen Craver 06/01/2023 at 13:520 Comments

I came across some hindrances when moving from the "Proof of Concept" to "Prototype" stage.

Or better said, from the “plastic case” to an “aluminum case” stage.

Aluminum is a conductor, plastic is not.

Consequently, well, you get it.

Enough said.

Oh, and by the way, the 5-pin DIN connector, when used for a factory powered chair/recliner/bed (and unlike its shared MIDI use), the case is very-much used. If you read any of my previous logs, in hindsight this is precisely why I fried my original Raspberry PI.

Why didn't I learn?
