Upside Down Labs wants to simplify the pathways to foster your crazy new idea that may change a life for good. Unbelievable it may sound but ttrue thing about BisCute is that the DIY kit includes both dry as well as wet electrode interface which is a combination you don't see in any hobby EMG sensing kit out there. BisCute is also a fraction of the cost of any EMG sensing kit on market today (25th April 2023). Both hardware and software is fully OpenSource as well so, If you have a basic quad OpAmp, precision resistors, ceramic disc capacitors, and some electrolytic capacitors lying around in your pile of parts you can create one on a bread board as well with about a $1 worth of parts!
Muscle BioAmp Biscute PCB is a small 45 x 30 mm board designed at Upside Down Labs as a single-layer PCB that can easily be fabricated at home using a laser printer, old magazine glossy paper, copper-clad board, H2O, FeCl3, and small hand drill. You will learn a lot by fabricating your own PCB at home but in any case, if you don't want to get your hands dirty with chemicals you can get a DIY Muscle BioAmp BisCute kit from our Tindie store.
Below is a typical EMG recording setup you may create to test the hardware, In this case, we are recording from the ulnar nerve. We amplify the small sub mV signals from muscles into voltage signals that an Arduino Nano's 10-bit ADC can understand. For digitizing the raw EMG signals into bits we process them on our microcontroller itself with the OpenSource software example which can be used to do crazy stuff like controlling a servo motor or a bar of LEDs.
Below is the schematic diagram of the Muscle BioAmp Biscute v0.2 which you can use while making your own Muscle BioAmp on a breadboard. For more details on how to choose values if you are interested in changing the parameter, you can see the assembly steps below.
BioAmp design you see today is a hard work of years started in 2016 when I was in my first year of university (NSIT, New Delhi). If you are interested in knowing the details on how little discoveries led to the birth of the BioAmp series of sensors and Upside Down Labs as a pro-OpenSource organization itself you can checkout our history of BioAmp article. To support our hard work at Upside Down Labs you may also consider buying hardware from our Tindie store which helps us to release more OpenSource hardware and software projects.