
Convert 120v desk lamp to 12v

Here is a quick project to convert a cheap desk lamp to 12v. I use this in my ham radio shack and run the lamp and radio gear off solar.

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I had an old desk lamp laying around but you can find them in the "dollar" store for around $5.
This will work for any lamp.

I used an old desk lamp for this project but you can get a similar lamp at the "dollar" store for around $5. THis conversion will work for any lamp, but I used what I had on hand.

While I wanted this for to light my ham radio station, it would work just as well in camper, car or anyplace you have 12v available.

  • 1 × Lamp Anything will work
  • 1 × Anderson power pole connectors. You can terminate however you like, but DONT put on 110v plug on it. Cigeratte light plug would be another option.
  • 1 × LED headlight builb These are sold ultra cheap on ebay and would be worthless on a car but meet my needs.
  • 1 × Old 12v bulb I had some burned out bulbs from my old harborfreight solar kit. You could also modify a 110v LED builb base if you wanted. All you really need is the medium base connector and something to mount the 12v bulb to

  • 1
    Step 1

    Cut off the ends of the lamp, remove the 110v 2 pin connector and add anderson power poles. YOu can also opt for cigerette plug if that meets your needs.

    Here is a good tutorial on how to install power poles. Service/TrainingModules/Technical/Anderson powerpole.pdf

    If you need visual help, try this video. Note you can solder or crimp the connectors.

  • 2
    Step 2

    Tear apart your medium base bulb you use to mount the 12v bulb in. Here is my harbor frieght flouresent bulb that died a while back.

    Here I tore the builb apart and was able to access the bulb internals. I cut the top base to fit the LED auto bulb I had.

  • 3
    Step 3

    Test fit the bulb on the base.

    Solder the wires from the base to the bulb. Pay attention the center connection goes to the +12v side of the LED.

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