To explore Op Amp´s the "cmoy" headphone amplifier is a good starting point.
This project here is basically a cmoy, to fit the Op Amp challenge even the virtual ground is done with a Op Amp. So at least 3 Op Amp´s are used here, 2 chips when a dual is used.
What is a cmoy? It´s a headphone amplifier made by Chu Moy a.k.a. Headwize around 1998. It uses a dual Op Amp and 9V battery. There is quite a lot of documentation around from many sources, sadly some are gone but many can be found with the webarchive.
To start, here is the original cmoy:
But whats with the "listening to the Op Amp´s" you might ask? Yes they sound differently, today you could call it a equalizer pre-set, or some kind of filter.
Here is a list of some Op Amp´s and the sound you can expect:
The PCB is made to fit SMD and THT where possible, and it can be populated in many ways. Using different or no input capacitor, changing the amplification. Even a ZIF socket can be used to make swaping the Op Amp´s simpler.
Hi, just wanted to say that this project is great!