
Hexapod esp32-cam robot

A toy that i wanted to transform into a "real" robot with a ESP32-cam

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A 17$ toy that i wanted to transform into a "real" robot with a ESP32-cam. The control is made by a websever hosted inside the ESP, with camera stream.

esp32-cam_robot - OSHWLab for schematics and PCB project.
RicardoX2X/hexapod_esp32cam for the software.

The firsts steps of him:



MPEG-4 Video - 19.79 MB - 05/18/2023 at 04:47


  • New PCB design

    Ricardo Daniel de Paula10/15/2024 at 18:03 0 comments

    I'm currently working on a new PCB for this project, with ESP32-s3 MINI with voltage regulator and h bridge build-in

  • The First Prototype - Body

    Ricardo Daniel de Paula05/18/2023 at 04:18 0 comments

    The first part was remove the Head and arms of the toy cause they weren't match to the aesthetics that i wish for the project:

    Fully Assemble toy
    Fully Assemble toy
    The head removed

    After that i gave it a primer painting, the first ideia was give it a black painting after the primer, but i actually like the primer color and texture, so i continue without the black paint layer, although it is not a good pratice.

    The robot without head and arms after the primer painting

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