
Public Transport Dashboard (Traminfo)

Real-time tracking of nearest trams next to headquarters of Hackerspace Trójmiasto

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Tram Information for Hackerspace Trójmiasto

Real-time tracking of nearest trams next to headquarters of Hackerspace Trójmiasto located in Gdańsk, Poland. The project was written to be finally displayed on matrix monitors. The script takes data from the two closest stops going in two different directions of the city.

The data is pulled from the official Open Data API located here:

- Gets live data from
- Shows live data
- Shows train emoji when the time is under 1 minute
- Refreshes every n seconds for its owns
- Shows n lines of coming trams
- Configurable station
  • 1 × ESP32
  • 1 × 128x64 HUB75 P3 LED Matrix

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Piotr Gaczkowski wrote 05/31/2023 at 15:23 point

Kombinujemy z LoRa i HamNetem, więc może jeszcze rozwinie się to w tym kierunku :)

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aaaaaa wrote 05/31/2023 at 15:21 point

Takie tablice powinny miec jakieś zasilanie awaryjne i siec mesh. Chodzi o to by w razie sytuacji nadzwyczajnej inne osoby mogły mieć łączność za pomoca takich tablic (np. wifi batman, albo nawet reticulum) a same tablice mogły by działac niezależnie.

np. każdy przystanek byłby dostarczycielem sieci 

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