
Synthesizer Opamp Galore

A simple signal generator and processor for synthesizing waveforms within the audio frequency range.

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General Design Parameters:
2 signal generators (sine, triangle, square)
FX modules:
High pass filter
Low pass filter
Envelope - In progress
Distortion (AKA Overdrive)

This project starts using a triangle/square wave generator built for a university class lab. It is simply a Schmidt trigger oscillator circuit using a comparator and integrator. The output of the integrator is then passed into another integrator circuit that generates the sine wave. Each of these signals is then switched to a buffer and from there gets patched to the FX circuits using Dupont wires (for the time being). I made up a test control board to hold the knobs to help with accessibility.

This is still very much a work in progress however the next steps from here are to implement a few more effects, rework the speaker driver, and then CNC the first prototype. Special thanks to my friend Gage for helping out with this project by working through the FX circuits :)


MPEG-4 Video - 22.58 MB - 06/06/2023 at 07:56



Speaker driver circuit

asc - 2.70 kB - 06/06/2023 at 07:34


Low Pass Filter.jpg

JPEG Image - 555.19 kB - 06/06/2023 at 07:34


Signal Generator Circuit.jpg

JPEG Image - 5.46 MB - 06/06/2023 at 07:05


High Pass Filter.jpg

JPEG Image - 478.80 kB - 06/06/2023 at 07:03


View all 6 files

  • 1 × TLC3702 Amplifier and Linear ICs / Comparator ICs
  • 1 × LM6132B Amplifier and Linear ICs / Operational Amplifiers

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