
S-ROV controller test

A project log for S-ROV : Underwater Drone

S-ROV : Underwater Drone

yj-kimYJ Kim 01/19/2017 at 05:550 Comments

I have tested the main controller. The wiring is ,a bit complicated, but the following tests were conducted in the above situation.

1. PLC(Power Line Communication) availability

I checked the Ethernet communication through the 50m long wire and it works fine.

2. BLDC control

There are only two motors available at the moment, so I tested only two of them. To find out if a motor driver affects a sensitive part such as an MCU, I tried to input an excessive amount of motion, such as an excessive speed change in the motor, and it seemed to work well.

3. Additional PWM control

I tested several servo motors connected to the main board. There was no problem.

4. Complementary points

Here are some problems identified :
