This is the first of a small group of boards sponsored by PCBway. I don't normally deal with sponsorship people but in the PCBway case all they asked was an honest opinion, and they have a long history of supporting Kicad.
The board quality is great, the silk screen nice and sharp so more than happy. I'm obviously not testing out a lot of their other services with a through hole board. Price wise their 100mm and under pricing is good but over 100mm the price shoots up, so they seem to be good prices for very small or very large boards but not stuff in between. Also no problems with gerber settings and the like as Kicad has a PCBway plug-in with a one button upload that just works. Would I use them again - well I did, but that's the next saga when I finally catch up with this lot.
Sadly the board design I did didn't quite match the quality. The devices decode at 4F8 5F8 and 578 not 2F8/3F8 due to a silly error I made, and I'm not 100% happy with the interrupts using a 74LS33 and 1K pulldowns but after doing some experiments with diodes and the like (hence the picture) I'm probably stuck with it due to the positive going interrupt lines.
I'll upload schematics and gerbers etc later once rev 2 is tested