wa4jat 2:49 PM
captain.morgan 2:49 PM
toot toot!
DPM 2:50 PM
"Tootle the horn melodiously..."
RPLaJeunesse 2:50 PM
pt 2:51 PM
for the folks who are here early, here is a treat, some factory footage i just posted up https://youtu.be/y8E1Mst8tcg
DPM 2:51 PM
Factory tour!!
DPM 2:51 PM
And for reference: https://cdnc.ucr.edu/?a=d&d=MSS19210407.2.12&e=-------en--20--1--txt-txIN--------
pt 2:51 PM
a short version :) selective soldering, pick and place, a few odds and ends
wa4jat 2:53 PM
Cool video :-)
anfractuosity 2:53 PM
cool, not seen the soldering process that's performing on the bottom before
DPM 2:54 PM
Serious question: how do PnP machines not scatter components all over the place when they take the tape off? Any time I try to peel that tape back, everything goes flying.
wa4jat 2:54 PM
I have setup wave soldering years ago but never seen selective soldering like that.
Jimb 2:55 PM
Seemed like there was a lot of bridging
captain.morgan 2:55 PM
neat, I've seen some cool demo videos of laser selective soldering for SMD
tannewt 2:55 PM
Hi folks!
anfractuosity 2:55 PM
@Dan Maloney tape?
captain.morgan 2:55 PM
wonder if that's withing the realm of desktop these days...
DPM 2:55 PM
Yeah, the clear plastic cover over the components
Jimb 2:56 PM
The tape holding parts in the strips
anfractuosity 2:56 PM
ladyada 2:56 PM
static can be an issue! the feeders are metal so that helps a bit, but mostly there's drops and you do optical inspection to deect it
Jimb 2:57 PM
I imagine the rigidity of the fixtures and the way the tape is peeledd back is important too
captain.morgan 2:58 PM
my desktop has a leafspring that pushes the tape up and only a small opening to pick the part, that keeps the tape from moving virtually at all
ladyada 2:58 PM
yeah its pulled directly back with a sharp corner. im sure they've worked on it a ton. we also dont go under 0402
captain.morgan 2:58 PM
...desktop machine...
Jimb 2:59 PM
saw a 201 once. like a grain of sand!
ladyada 2:59 PM
01005 boggles the mind
Jimb 2:59 PM
It was stuck to my bench by the previous owner. Wondered what the bump was
DPM 3:00 PM
Don't forget to go over to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8VhdFH7UEEQ too -- that's where they'll be answering the questions we ask here
DPM 3:04 PM
I seem to be having trouble getting chat messages through. Anyone else?
pt 3:04 PM
DPM 3:04 PM
@Richard Hogben - can you take a look?
pt 3:04 PM
hmm, tryin again - @Dan Maloney when ya give the GO we'll start to broadcast !
DPM 3:04 PM
I'm getting you @pt
RPLaJeunesse 3:05 PM
Same here
Jimb 3:05 PM
here or youtube?
MS3FGX 3:05 PM
Testing, 1 2 3
pt 3:05 PM
ok rad, looks like the messages are making it here now, about to go live on youtube, etc. too
rich 3:05 PM
looks ok here
DPM 3:05 PM
I'm seeing enough activity that I'm comfortable saying we're good
ladyada 3:06 PM
w00h00 we r liiiive
DPM 3:06 PM
deshipu 3:06 PM
![]() |
DPM 3:06 PM
Head over there
VideoPod 3:07 PM
Lets Light this Candle!
davus 3:07 PM
too much mic feedback
DPM 3:07 PM
The candle is lit
DerBaum 3:08 PM
👋 hi
DPM 3:08 PM
Hi @BaumInventions
pt 3:08 PM
ok! live vid in all the places, scott is talking about things on video, ask anything here circuitpython and whatever !
hamslabs 3:09 PM
Hi Scott, haven't seen you in a while. I hope all is great with you. I miss your Friday deep dive.
pt 3:09 PM
DEEP DIVES from scott coming back !
pt 3:09 PM
this week, USB host, 2pm pacific !
hamslabs 3:10 PM
Hooray. I'll definitely see you then.
DPM 3:10 PM
The characteristic eye-rubbing of a new parent...
pt 3:11 PM
we _do_ have new python powered wifi kid's music toys we're working now !
todbot 3:11 PM
Hi everyone! Can't wait to try out CirPy USB host
tannewt 3:11 PM
and I'm relatively rested today :-)
pt 3:11 PM
pt 3:13 PM
![]() |
pt 3:13 PM
(talking about the circuit pyrate -- still thinking about the names too)
MS3FGX 3:14 PM
Modern Bus Pirate sounds phenomenal.
ladyada 3:14 PM
pt 3:14 PM
![]() |
tannewt 3:15 PM
hamslabs 3:16 PM
What audio codec does My Little Hacker use?
captain.morgan 3:17 PM
super cool, the bus pirate was one of my very early debugging tools as a young broke hacker. great to see it getting some modernization
ladyada 3:19 PM
the codec is MAX98357D 3W class D amp - its great and supported natively
DPM 3:21 PM
Newcomers: head over to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8VhdFH7UEEQ, where Adafruit are answering questions asked here
namdoog 3:25 PM
As a CPy newbie it is great to hear the brief discussion of micropy vs CPy, but if I need more depth on that I will look for the 1-hour talk mentioned :)
pt 3:25 PM
aand please consider supporting micropython on github ! https://blog.adafruit.com/2021/04/29/happy-8th-birthday-micropython-micropython-micropython-and-adafruit-sponsoring-join-in/
pt 3:25 PM
(we do and help fund raise with them each year)
funvill 3:26 PM
If I was to roll my own ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3 board. Could I load CircuitPython onto the board?
What are the basic requirements of CircuitPython for hardware? How much memory? is a button or led required, etc…
Does CircuitPython support Bluetooth on the ESP32?
What Bluetooth functionality is supported?
Does CircuitPython support OTA (over the air) updates?
Call home functionality
DPM 3:27 PM
Question from YT:
Tyeth Gundry Does this mean there could be a re-convergence in the future?
DPM 3:27 PM
(Of CP and MP)
davus 3:28 PM
Is Micropython upstream of Circuitpython?
deshipu 3:28 PM
@Steven Smethurst https://learn.adafruit.com/how-to-add-a-new-board-to-circuitpython/overview
captain.morgan 3:28 PM
^^^ related.. is there any 'policy' on implementing support for other peoples boards? prior to t-embed being officially support I made my own port but never got around to submitting as I wasn't sure how ongoing support would be handled
deshipu 3:28 PM
@morgan see my link
ladyada 3:29 PM
here's the one hour talk about how we got to blinka/circuitpython https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZnDCs80b_A
tannewt 3:29 PM
@morgan We are happy to merge non-adafruit boards in but leave it up to the community to test and fix.
DPM 3:29 PM
FYI, transcript will be posted at the end for anyone who needs to refer back for links, etc.
todbot 3:29 PM
I think the most popular CircuitPython board is the Pico, not made by Adafruit. :)
funvill 3:30 PM
Thank you 💖
pt 3:30 PM
422 boards! https://circuitpython.org/downloads
pt 3:30 PM
most are not from adafruit, we're proud of that!
None 3:30 PM
and the Pico just had so exciting features such as BLE / Bluetooth Classic
None 3:30 PM
would be so nice to have support, so that higher level firmware (like KMK) would work
tyeth 3:30 PM
The web-workflow in circuitpython is so convenient, wifi REPL/serial + file management. Remote updates or data retrieval on your LAN ⭐
CRImier 3:33 PM
thank you so much for your efforts in education! I'm listening and now wondering - does CircuitPython have a WebREPL thing the way MIcroPython does?
tannewt 3:33 PM
@Arya web workflow is similar but not the same as webrepl
pwillard 3:33 PM
I much prefer using CircuiitPython but there are still a lot of makers who only work with MicroPython... the split gets painful sometimes as you are left with some translation tasks versus instant gratification.
deshipu 3:34 PM
you can also use Blinka to use the circuitpython libraries on micropython
tannewt 3:35 PM
@mysterd2006 the pico w's ble uses another ble stack that we haven't added support for
tannewt 3:35 PM
you can use kmk on nrf52840 for BLE
pwillard 3:35 PM
I ended up using MMBASIC on the PICO W for my instant gratification needs anyway... lol.
deshipu 3:36 PM
another thing I love about CircuitPython is that because all the board definitions are included in the repository, they get tested on every change, and if something breaks your board, you know immediately and it gets fixed, instead of finding out a year later when you finally get to testing it yourself
tyeth 3:36 PM
@Arya https://learn.adafruit.com/getting-started-with-web-workflow-using-the-code-editor/usage#using-the-serial-terminal-3126221
None 3:36 PM
thanks @tannewt
It's just that that Pico W is so "popular"...
todbot 3:36 PM
pwillard 3:36 PM
and powerfull...
None 3:37 PM
quite so !
CRImier 3:37 PM
ooo @tyeth thank you!
tannewt 3:37 PM
@mysterd2006 ya, I know it is. that's why we'll probably do it eventually
CRImier 3:37 PM
also, wondering about a design choice , one that has been frustrating for me. If I Ctrl+C MicroPython code, or there's an exception, or it stops by itself, I get a REPL over serial port, and it is in an environment with all the variables from the moment the code stopped executing. When I tried CircuitPython two years ago, it would bring me to a REPL with a clean slate. Having developed some sizeable products and libraries with MicroPython, this is quite a dealbreaker for me. Is this still the case, and if so, is there a way to bypass that; perhaps patch that out for personal builds?
None 3:38 PM
Thanks Scott
todbot 3:39 PM
I do like the clean slate with Ctrl-C but sometimes I wish state was preserved, exactly so I could tweak and resume
pwillard 3:39 PM
it does seem like a nice feature
CRImier 3:40 PM
CPython does act that way if you run it like `python -i`!
tyeth 3:40 PM
it would be nice to probe in the bug state, but resume would be better
CRImier 3:41 PM
yea I am very much wondering about repatching it for my own builds!
CRImier 3:41 PM
I'm basically wondering if you've torn something out completely or just disabled it =D
deshipu 3:41 PM
make a pull request, so that everyone can use it
CRImier 3:42 PM
oh yes the show-on-OLED is wonderful!
tannewt 3:43 PM
@Arya I'm happy to guide you on disabling it
tannewt 3:43 PM
https://adafru.it/discord #circuitpython-dev
CRImier 3:44 PM
ooo @tannewt thank you! and thank you all for the explanation, I can relisten to it later then ^~^
deshipu 3:45 PM
I noticed that most people don't believe me when I explain it to them, but when I actually show it, they drop their jaws.
pt 3:49 PM
shaddack 3:50 PM
Any chance for zigbee support on things like nrf52840?
deshipu 3:50 PM
we should be using MTP
ladyada 3:52 PM
ladyada 3:52 PM
pt 3:54 PM
ok! this we're wrappin up !
deshipu 3:54 PM
there is a patch for espnow support
pt 3:54 PM
went a little longer than 30 mins but that's OK!
hamslabs 3:54 PM
Hug Reports for all three of you for putting on a really informative Hack Chat!
captain.morgan 3:54 PM
nice, espnow is super fun
pt 3:54 PM
we are around everywhere, discord, all the socials, and we have live shows on weds and more
bilherd 3:54 PM
Thanks @limor @pt scott !
CRImier 3:55 PM
thank you for the chat! ^_^
DPM 3:55 PM
Alrighty then! Thanks a bunch Adafruit! We really appreciate your time here today!
tannewt 3:55 PM
CRImier 3:56 PM
yesss the newsletter is rad!
DPM 3:56 PM
And everyone else, thanks for the great discussion! Transcript coming up -- this week courtesy of @Tom Nardi and his new chat-scraping code!
captain.morgan 3:57 PM
nice! great chat good folks at Adafruit!
MS3FGX 3:58 PM
@Dan Maloney Fingers firmly crossed...
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