

A project log for The Solar Box

A cyberdeck housed in a bamboo clamshell case and powered with solar engery

nick-scratchNick Scratch 07/13/2023 at 15:080 Comments
The fruits of my ePaper experimenting. The RPi Zero is sitting underneath the display (you can see the header poking out at the top)

While waiting for parts, I've been looking for drivers and libraries for the two displays I have chosen. I think I've tripled the amount of bookmarks in my firefox account this week.

But now all the parts have now arrived, and I've started prototyping. So far this has just taken the form of getting to grips with the interfaces between the RPi Zero and the displays. The Sharp MiP LCD was the last to arrive, so I don't have much to show for that yet, but I have gotten the ePaper working with some python. My plan for the ePaper display is to set up a virtual framebuffer that I can swap data to and from. Wouldn't make sense for a full fbdev, due to it's slow refresh, but the linux framebuffer gives me an area to drop visual data before sending to the ePaper.

Also created an SVG in inkscape to help visualize the layout. This is def not final. It is to scale, but please don't use it for anything technical, as it's mostly just to get the silhouettes of the various components in place.
