
Hardware is done!

A project log for The Solar Box

A cyberdeck housed in a bamboo clamshell case and powered with solar engery

nick-scratchNick Scratch 08/09/2023 at 20:410 Comments

Everything is mounted, wired, and working perfectly!

The only things left are some small tweaks for linux console usability on such a small screen, and a more robust CLI utility to send data to the epaper.

Here it is, happily charging in the sun. I used some cheap phone kickstands on the sides there to prop up the lid when open, and the mustache velcro strip in the middle front is so you can move the solar panel for the best angle while open.

I was worried about getting the power boards set up, but those ended up being pretty much plug-and-play. They also don't generate any noticeable heat while charging, tho I've only tried from USB and the solar panel. The charger board can take up to 10V DC, so I'm guessing if I plugged a wall wart power adapter into it then things would probably get pretty hot, though that's not really part of it's use case.

Had to diy a couple usb cables to fit in the space. Couldn't find one from my stash that would fit without tearing all the molding off. So I did that, and wired them up to the appropriate places. (Please excuse my soldering crimes.)

I also tweaked the keyboard firmware since the last update to set a max power usage of 50ma and poll less frequently. Haven't tested the power saving, but it hasn't affected the keyboard performance to any noticeable degree.

I'd like to cut a notch out of the right side of the lid so the lid can be closed over a usb cable if charging off that. I'd also like to put an LED charge indicator somewhere on the outside, so you can see the status while it's closed. But these are both small tweaks for the future. For now, it's perfectly usable as is, so I am calling it 1.0!
