
Stargate Dial 'chime'

A project log for Stargate LED Clock

An LED clock using the adafruit 1/4 sections to make a 60 LED ring. Although not a new concept, it should be expandable to other variations.

david-hopkinsDavid Hopkins 09/09/2014 at 22:110 Comments

first custom effect for the stargate clock, a dial sequence, which will run every hour on the hour.

takes roughly 45 seconds to complete, but that varies as it 'dials' a different address every time.

it dials all 9 chevrons... this doesnt happen in SG1 but the talk about it, and it is done in SGU, between destiny and earth.

had a quandary between keeping it SG1 authentic and satisfying the OCD, but seeing as the whole gate (the leds at least) will need to be visible, i thought it best to do the lot.

the leds are a bit bright for the camera but you can see what its doing :-)


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